Saturday, May 29, 2010

Strategies for Sustained Peformance – 12 more days!

Only 12 more days to take advantage of this powerful coaching program Offered at HALF the typical price. Incredible value!

Strategies for Sustained Performance
This coaching program will give you practical leading-edge tools, information and resources to help you:

• Achieve focused clarity and sustain peak performance
• Open blocks to creativity and think outside the box
• Listen and communicate more effectively
• Get out of your own way: Manage your mind and energy more effectively

What’s included: 30 minute initial consultation, four 1 one hour sessions, in-depth resource workbook, paperback book. Optional: demonstration of technology available for additional purchase.

Your part: doing some reading and exercises in between our meetings and applying the tools and insights. Offer expires June 10th. We can only offer this program at this rate for one month and after this, it will go up. Sessions may be in-person or over the phone. Call today for an appointment at 203-730-2103 or email at

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Building and Sustaining Performance Amidst Chaos and Uncertainty

The NY stock market “Blip” dip by 1000 points in one hour – somebody “hit a wrong button?!!” Cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf. Bailing out Greece. Keeping faith in the Euro. … A small sample of what has made the news in the last week.

It’s no wonder many of us are on overdrive – trying to survive and thrive in a world that is in crisis.

Check out our latest newsletter where you will learn about our new Coaching Program: Strategies for Sustained Performance.