Thursday, September 30, 2010

Don’t Miss Our Manifestation Workshop – Last Day to Get Discount October 1st

Our personal growth division is offering another Manifestation Workshop on October 15th, 6-9 pm, in Danbury, Connecticut.
In an evening, you will gain greater access to your creativity, intuition, and resilient nature to help you better achieve your dreams and goals. This workshop will be informative and experiential in nature. You will have the benefit of creating powerful alliances with like-minded seekers. Sign up by October 1 and receive an unbelievable 35% discount!

Past workshops have included people who have worked on a range of goals and dreams such as career transition, retirement goals, weight reduction and relationship issues.

This is ideal for you if you need a boost to dissolve the obstacles to achieving the success you desire and deserve! Click here for more information or to Register Now.

See what past participants say after 40 days:
“I am finding that I feel more confident in expressing myself…less torn between alternatives, less fearful of anticipated (imagined) responses from others.”
“I am grateful for these new beginnings, for the clarity and energy I feel.”
” The mudra for lessening attachment helped me maintain some calm within a rather frenetic atmosphere.”

Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC