Focus Friday: What Inspires You to Exceed Your Own Expectations?
For me, it is surrounding myself with others who are striving or
doing what I am trying to do. When I am going into unknown territory,
it’s reminding myself that I possess a unique combination of skills,
talents and experiences never before existing on the planet. It is my
job to take full advantage and use my unique assets to make the world a
better place. Sustaining this perspective can be hard amidst the
challenges of life and self doubt that we all experience. I need to
continually tap into my supports and resources to keep my focus while
also heeding some of the feedback from my environment to make
adjustments. What inspires you?
Reflection questions: How do you go beyond and step into your greatness?
What blocks you from being your magnificent self?
What supports and resources do you have to help you hold the space
for your self to serve the world with your talents in a bigger way – in a
way that you are meant to serve?
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