Saturday, December 31, 2016

Creating Space. Good-bye 2016. Hello 2017.

Creating space is my mantra for 2017, to ensure I have a joyous, thriving year, regardless of what is going on around me.

This past month, my email inbox has been flooded with people trying to thank me, sell me and give me messages over the holidays and for the coming year.

I waited until the end of the year to publish my message.

My message is a simple, twofold one:

First, Thank you for being part of my professional world. You are either a colleague, a client, a friend, an interested person or a combination of some of the above.

My world is richer because you are in it. My hope is that I have, and can continue to create value for you – to provide provoking questions, thoughts and support that spur you on to grow personally and professionally.

Second, my invitation for you today is to find the time to proactively create space in your life this next year. By this, I mean space in the abstract and practical sense. This is a practical and spiritual practice:
  • Create space in your calendar – time when you have nothing scheduled. Time when you DO nothing.
  • Create space in your to do list – find time to meander through a task everyday without the pressure of “getting it done.” Relish the task itself.
  • Create space in your goals – don’t overstretch yourself that you exhaust yourself or everyone around you.
  • Create space in your physical surroundings – declutter and only keep the bare essentials of what you need or use or that which makes you feel joy and love.
  • Create space in your relationships – allow silence and time to just be with another and observe and listen more to what they need.
  • Create space in your emotional life to allow for what you feel to emerge and be attended to.
  • Create space for what is important to you, really.
  • Create space for personal, private time with yourself to tune into what is happening within you. I promise this will enable you to be more present to what is happening around you.
My primary practice this year will be to create space to allow myself more room to breathe – literally and figuratively. This requires that I also practice trust and the art of receiving.

By removing things, people, tasks, goals from my life that don’t serve my highest good, I trust I will have exactly what I need. I am entertaining the thought that less is more, truly.

I will create room to receive that which better serves me. When I am served, I can better serve. When I serve, I receive. It’s a beautiful circular garden that needs mindful tending to, to fully blossom.

This mentality requires that I truly believe I am enough and have enough for a thrillingly thriving life.

Will you join me in this practice of creating space? Where will you start? What is getting thrown in the trash today?

© Copyright 2016 Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC. All rights Reserved.

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