Building on yesterday’s post, here is an Operator’s Manual on HOW to listen humbly:
1. Check your ego at the door. It’s more important that your colleague thinks what a great listener you are, then how smart you are.
2. Get curious. Wonder. Inquire.
3. Seek to understand – from THEIR point of view.
4. Stop. Be quiet. Allow them to respond. Sit on your hands if you need to!
5. Paraphrase/summarize what your colleague is saying in your own words. This will force you to stay with them.
6. Listen at deeper layers of meaning and inference. The deeper your go with adding what you are inferring and what meaning you attach to what they are saying, the more fruitful the information.
7. Seek confirmation. Make sure you have accurately captured what they are saying– that you’ve got it right. Ask: “Is this accurate?” “Is this what you mean?” They will confirm or correct you.
8. Do NOT move on until you get the “yes”. There can be no “no,” objection or advocacy on your part until you get the “yes”. This means that you have actually listened AND understood them.
9. Once, you’ve got it – THEN go to action, telling – or whatever is appropriate.
This dynamic of alternating between advocating, inquiring, reflecting – should be fluid and organic, as a conversation is. If you are trying some new skills for the first time, it might feel a little stilted at first. With practice, over time, it will be more smooth.
As you do your daily listening workout, make sure you have a trusted advisor to give you in-the-moment feedback on how WELL you are PRACTICING listening – and humbly. One cannot be an accurate gauge on their own humility. I call this person a “street coach” – someone who is there with you in the trenches on a daily basis.
Copyright 2012 Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC All rights Reserved.
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