Words of Manic Monday by The Bangles and modified by Susan Shaner. Musician: Dan Brodax.
Where can you find the magic at work today?
One of the most significant things I’ve learned is: 95% of our thoughts are repetitive. We keep telling ourselves the same thing over and over and over again. This one thought, or pattern of thinking, is always working on us – either in the foreground or background of our mind – consciously or unconsciously. This thinking pattern creates our world – always moving us toward what it is we keep telling ourselves.
I’m a yoga and meditation teacher. This is not my day job but a part-time vocation that supports me and my work as a leadership and success coach. The tools enable me to live a more empowered life by giving me more clarity, focus and peace everyday. Once I experienced such benefits myself, I felt called to teach others. So, teaching was not a goal I set out to accomplish. It emerged and evolved from my own painful journey of learning how to define and achieve success on my terms, not necessarily how society defines it.
My invitation to you is to work with this concept that your mind is largely ruled by this one thought, or a pattern of thinking, that is either serving you in where you want to go – or not. This is a three-week journey we are embarking upon – a little experiment to make headway in managing your mind to work more effectively for you.
This week’s assignment is to JUST NOTICE. Just notice what the thought or thought pattern is. When your boss comes gives you a new assignment…when your spouse throws a surprise at you…when you are confronted with a challenge at home or at work…When you have nothing in particular going on, where does your mind go?
Just NOTICE, nothing else. You may want to keep a notepad or journal with you to take notes. At first, you may not notice a pattern – but keep tracking and I’ll follow up and check-in Friday.
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