Thursday, November 26, 2015

Shifting Your Conditioning: Flowing in Your Spiritual Domain

All week we’ve been exploring how you rewire your conditioning to better serve you in what you want to have in your life. It requires changing your thought pattern. You can release a negative thought pattern and replace it with a positive one – and sometimes you can just replace it with a positive one and the negative one automatically just falls away.

The key with this entire process is being tuned in, not tuned out of yourself. Notice what has you associating strong, positive emotions to your thoughts and moving them physically through your body.

When all domains – mental, emotional and physical are in sync, then you have, what I call, a spiritual sense of flow in your life. You are in tune, have purpose, meaning and are deeply engaged with, and loving your life. It doesn’t mean that you can’t experience a sense of spirit when things are difficult or you are in struggle. Sometimes these are the most spiritually initiating times in your life. You feel yourself through the pain. The spirit comes through with the work to rise above the challenge and persevere and carry on, even though.

Amidst life, one kind of thought rises above all others. It is like the queen of all thoughts that possesses super powers, working on layers of deeper emotions we aren’t always aware of – this is GRATITUDE. Other similar words are Thankful, appreciative. Any thought or emotion where you bless, recognize or are grateful for what you currently have, who you are or what do you do. When this permeates your entire being, then life flows peacefully within and around you, even if your environment is in crisis or chaos. It’s finding your peace within.

Today, in the United States, we celebrate our national holiday: Thanksgiving. The original intent was to sit around a dining table and feast on the harvest of the season – to share our bounty with family, friends and neighbors. This is my favorite holiday as it is about making and sharing good food. We nourish our body with food, mind with great conversation, emotions with connections, and spirit with an overall sense of vitality even if there is still pain and suffering in the world. We can all pause and say thank you for this one precious life.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Regardless of where you live, today I invite you to identify just one person, experience, thing you are grateful for in your life. I guarantee, it will uplift you and shed some of the toxins that are hiding out in one of your domains.

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