Thursday, December 10, 2015

Playing with Relentless Focus

The greater the challenge you are facing, the greater the need to focus.

Whether it’s a goal you are trying to achieve or relationship you are trying to navigate, it’s probably a challenge because you either aren’t sure if, or how you can get the results you want, or you aren’t getting the results you want … yet.

In both cases, this can bring up all kinds of emotions – fear, panic, terror, frustration, intrigue, curiosity, excitement. Some people are energized by challenge and drive toward it. Others are overwhelmed or move away from it, if it appears to be too much. The key is perspective. How are you holding this challenge in your mind?

Even if you are the kind of person who loves a big challenge, you may still find yourself experiencing a range of emotions. Sometimes you may not be aware of your emotions and have your mind in overdrive on a push toward overcoming that challenge. If so, you may miss somethings with a linear relentless focus.

It is at this time, I recommend you put on your mindfulness hat and stop, pause, breathe and notice what is going on – with you and the other people involved. Lean into the situation with a more relaxed attention and you may notice some ways in which you are getting in your own way.

Relentless focus helps in striving to overcome challenges but, it doesn’t have to be intense and hard driving. It can have more of a quality of being relaxed, aware, consistent and persistent.
Try a different stance – perhaps more playful – just for today and notice if anything shifts.

At Sage Leadership, we are catalysts and enablers helping leaders maintain focus while facing significant personal or organizational challenges. Please contact us for a complimentary strategy session.

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