Monday, December 28, 2015

Magic Monday: The Gap Week

Words of Manic Monday by The Bangles and modified by Susan Shaner. Musician: Dan Brodax. Where can you find the magic at work today?

Your place of business is either crazy busy this week trying to wrap up the year or very quiet with many people on vacation.

I call this week the gap between what was and what could be. That is, this is the week that we typically reflect on the past year and project or plan for the year ahead. So it includes celebrations of goals achieved, regrets for those not achieved and setting goals and resolutions for the year ahead. This word resolution actually means making a “firm decision to do or not do something.”

Most resolutions fail within the first 30 days. I believe this is because of two reasons:
  1. These are goals made from the head and the place of “should” versus the heart and the place of “passion.”
  2. People often don’t get the support they need to make the resolution stick.
If you are going to embark upon something bold or new that requires change, you need the right, consistent supports to overcome challenges. True, sustained change is hard – even when it’s desired change.

This week’s reflection question: What is one thing that helped you navigate change this past year that you want to take with you into 2016? Or where do you need more support?

© Copyright 2015 Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC All rights Reserved.

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