Friday, January 1, 2016

Follow up Friday: Happy New Year - Have a Deeply Satisfying New Year!

This week’s question: What is one thing that helped you navigate change this past year that you want to take with you into 2016? Or where do you need more support?

One thing that helped me navigate change last year is that I committed to a mastermind group. I’ve dabbled with different groups like this before. This time it’s different because I’m different. I more committed to this program because: a) I’m fed up with myself for not following through on a goal. B) I paid a lot of money for it. These two factors forced me to make sure I get the return on my investment. I am not looking for more work. I am looking for more meaningful work that makes a difference in how people live and work.

The standard wish today is “happy new year!” Everyone wants to be happy. I suggest it is more important to experience deep purpose and satisfaction than happiness. The latter is a fluctuating emotion day-to-day – or for some of us, hour-to-hour. But when you have a life or work that is an expression of what is deeply important to you – where you feel you can best express your true magnificence to be of value to others – you create a more sustainable way of being.

I’m not much for flashy resolutions, but I am for exercising resolve. When I google “resolve” I get to “settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter” or to “Decide firmly on a course of action.” When you are resolved, you are determined to do something. Most new year’s resolutions fail after the first 3 weeks of the year. Where does that determination go?

It gets distracted, discouraged, lost. Key questions to ask yourself are: How are you holding the space for your resolution – is it an intention? A goal? A “should do?” A Declaration?

Here is my invitation for having a resolution, goal or change stick. First, words are important. Second, change is really hard – especially if you are trying to change something that you are entrenched in – like being unemployed for too long, a diet, exercise, or a way of leading or organizing people. If you are interested in doing something bold or really different, most of the time it is really hard to go it alone. You need support – and the right kind of support.

Here are things to keep in mind:

Or Set an Intention – Get clear about what it is you really want. The clearer, the easier it is to help the universe conspire in your favor. Vague inputs, vague results. Make them clear, big, bold inputs, and those are the kind of results you will likely get in return.

Be Resolved
Exercise strong determination as if your life depended on it. Don’t take no for an answer from yourself. Commit to making it happen no matter what.

Make sure you take action and are not stuck in your head – even if you need a push from your boss, colleague, spouse or friend. Get going! Do something in that direction! Perfection is overrated.

Often we want immediate, direct results. It doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes it’s a windy path or results are there but we are looking somewhere else. Don’t lose faith – keep at it!

Get Help
Getting discouraged, distracted or losing your way on “the how to” get results often happens. Plan for it. It’s part of the process. Know that if you are really trying to do something different or bold, you need a huge lift off (law of physics – energy at rest stays at rest; energy in motion builds motion). You need all the support and bolstering you can get – especially when you start to wane in your determination.

So, whether it’s a friend, colleague, coach, therapist, counselor – paid or unpaid resource – please consider getting help this year. Often times when we pay for a resource two things happen – that resource is more committed and skilled at giving you support and you are more committed to doing the work because you gave up money to get the help.

At Sage, we work with leaders who are striving to achieve stretch goals in work and life. Encountering challenges and obstacles are inevitable. We are currently booking complimentary 30 minute strategy sessions. 203-730-2103.

Dream Big. Stay Focused. Get Supported. Celebrate Wins!
Have a deeply satisfying and purposeful year!

© Copyright 2015 Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC All rights Reserved.

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