Friday, January 15, 2016

Follow up Friday: Turn on the Light Within


This week’s question was – Where do you notice yourself getting distracted or looking outside for answers only you can provide yourself? What are some of your most challenging relationships and experiences teaching you?

Here is what I noticed in myself and others – we distract ourselves and look for answers from others when we are afraid. Our egos are wired for security and certainty. You might be afraid of what others think, of doing a presentation, of not having enough money, of not knowing how to do something, etc.

When I am afraid it upsets my focus and ability to get things done. My head gets in an anxious spin. It’s a dark and constricting energy. I have a number of triggers for this. It’s important that I understand these triggers so I can better manage them – so I am driving fear out, it’s not driving me.

Fear is the opposite of love and passion and driven by the instinct of survival. Something is threatening our well being. This threat is real or perceived – it doesn’t matter which, as our brain receives all as real. My solution is to notice and let it go. Sometimes this works and sometimes I need the support of another person – a spouse, boss, colleague, friend – to help me get perspective and/or remind me of what I know is actually true.

Another person can provide you the space to think it through – to talk and be heard. Other times, they provide you with insight. Insight is bringing light to a subject. In either case, you are able to be more expansive and release fear.

We all have our triggers. No one is immune to fear. The key is to recognize it and use it for a signal to turn on the light within – channel the fear into passion, energy, expansion and movement forward. When you are struggling, reach out for reassurance or to get clear about the way forward.

The key is recognizing when you are in this spin of fear and do something about it. Don’t allow it to grow.

© Copyright 2016 Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC All rights Reserved.

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