Friday, December 4, 2015

Follow up Friday: How Do You Stay Dialed In?

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Monday I asked you to reflect on where you can more closely align your passion with your leadership or how you can unleash other people’s passion and leadership. How do you say dialed into passion?

Here is what I noticed: While passion is an emotion, it starts and ends with the mind. Many of us have the tape running in our head that says, “this is what I LOVE to do…but this is what I HAVE to do.”

This is a mindset – a setting or set of messages in our inner landscape that is based on who we inherently are and our conditioning (messages others have given us). This statement says I can’t do what I love.

When your mind clicks into what you love, you know it, you feel it. When you are not in this space, it’s usually because you have given permission for someone else’s voice to override you. Claim yourself. Claim your passion.

It’s not an either/or situation. We all have things we don’t like to do but have to. When you approach the “HAVE Tos” from the perspective of being in your passion, they are easier to do, because you are loving the ride. It is a matter of degree.

Living in your passion 80% of the time, gives you the energy and positive attitude to address the 20% of tasks you don’t like. If the situation is reversed and you are spending 80% of your time on things you don’t like to do, then naturally you are going to experience a slew of negative thoughts and feelings (boredom, anger, depression, resentment) that will leave you stuck or in a downward spiral.

Passion is your greatest leverage and inoculation against being overwhelmed by challenge. Life can be hard. Who wouldn’t welcome more ease and flow? When you are dialed directly into your passion, it effects everyone around you and compounds the collective energy.

How do I stay dialed in?

I NOTICE where my mind goes and I am VIGILANT about LISTENING to my inner thermostat and RESETTING the dial when I need to turn up the heat. I NOTICE and LISTEN to what excites other people and ADJUST my actions to better support them.

How do you stay dialed in?

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