Friday, October 16, 2015

Follow-up Friday: What Does Magic Mean to You?

My reflection question was not only what does magic mean to you, but where do you find it at play in your life?

I’ve given lots of thought to this question and decided that when I experience synchronous events, it feels magical to me. You know when you think about someone and they call you in that instant. Magic can be my mindset or a feeling that allows me to shift my perspective at will – to see the possibilities versus the dangers. It can be those times when we have an insight and something has shifted that has opened up a new way of seeing a person or a situation that we didn’t have access to before.

The last few days I have been participating in an intensive development program focused on how I can improve my own leadership and the running of my business. I have been doing a lot of networking at this program and, while I am meeting a lot of people, the real magic has happened when I let my guard down, am vulnerable and authentic, connecting with people in a genuine way. Magic happens when I am out of my comfort zone. At these times, I’ve found that I discover that we have a lot in common – either in business perspectives or with personal interests.

I made a commitment today to invest in this development program at the next level. This was a scary and exciting step for me, not only because of the large financial investment, but also in terms of the magic I am inviting in – the potential to allow myself to be transformed by the work, stepping up to my next leadership challenge. Magic can start with accepting an invitation to change. Then we never know where it will lead us…

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