Monday, October 12, 2015

It’s Just Another Magic Monday! An Invitation to Notice & Shift

Magic Monday

A few weeks ago I introduced the term Magic Monday. I want to talk more about what I mean by this….This is a take off on the Bangles’s song Manic Monday.

I heard recently that 7 out of 10 people in the U.S. are miserable at their jobs. Wow. Really?

Those numbers are staggering! I can only imagine how difficult Monday Mornings are for those 70%. I’d like to start a movement where we think about creating magic at work – and get charged up on Mondays! We spend one third of our lives (or more) at work, why not have it be magical? I invite you to embrace and love the challenges that lie before you or within you.

Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines magic as:
“a power that allows people (such as witches and wizards) to do impossible things by saying special words or performing special actions : tricks that seem to be impossible and that are done by a performer to entertain people : special power, influence, or skill… something that seems to cast a spell: Enchantment.”

These are powerful words. How could you become the wizard of your life? What would cast a spell over you so much so that you are enchanted with your work, workplace or the people in it? How can you influence your own thoughts and feelings regarding work to create renewed energy and perspective?

It all starts by noticing. Notice what IS working and great. Notice what is NOT working and painful. Become more aware. Wake up to your work life. You will either do something about what is not working, or you will appreciate what is working. Either way, you create change and you are the one who holds the magic to create the shift.

Each Monday I will share a thought, story, idea, model or way of looking at the world. I will end the post with a reflection question. Sit with the question and reflect on it all week and notice what comes up for you. On Friday I will follow up and share with you what I noticed in my life or my client’s lives. This not only promotes insight within yourself, but starts a dialogue to share collective insights.

You are invited to create magic. Will you join me?

This week’s reflection – what does magic mean to you and where do you notice it at play in your life?

© Copyright 2015 Sage Leadership Strategies, LLC All rights Reserved.

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