Follow up Friday on Sunday? What?
It’s like – have you ever had breakfast food for dinner? Why do you do this? Well, I do this when:
- I’m too tired to cook – a bowl of cereal is fine for everyone.
- I didn’t have a chance to grocery shop and that’s all the food left in the house.
- I have a fussy child who wouldn’t eat anything else that night. Let it go. They’ll live.
- I’m craving those particular foods.
- Or…just for fun!
- I was testing you to make sure you were paying attention.
- I was overwhelmed and didn’t get to it.
- I forgot.
- I reprioritized amidst the changing landscape and it just didn’t rise to the top of my list.
- Or… just for fun!
As I was driving home in the late afternoon, I composed the blog post in my head. I said to myself I would squeeze in writing my blog post in between grocery shopping, going to the bank and paying my taxes, before cooking and my dinner guest arriving at my house. Well, I had no food in the house and picked up more food than I anticipated. When I got home, with my eye on the clock, I went right to making dinner. The next thing I knew I was wrapping up a late evening with my friend and suddenly remembered my blog post. I could have hopped on the computer at midnight and got it done, meeting my commitment.
The old me, would have done that – I have to meet my commitment no matter what. In the last ten years, I have worked hard on exercising mindfulness for a more balanced way of life. Instead, I decided to embrace the unexpected – which was my reflection question on Monday. The follow up question was – where can you appreciate the gifts?
Here is where I landed: Even though I was surprised at myself for not staying focused on getting the blog post done. I wasn’t going to stress myself over it. After a busy week of travel, deadlines and intense meetings, I was tired. I thought spending time recharging and relaxing in good conversation is where I needed to be. I would come back to writing when I was centered and rested and messaging from that place.
I also went back to my objective of writing on Fridays in the first place – it is several fold: first, to stay in touch with my clients and potential clients and share insights, tools and lessons learned to further their development; second, I find it an enjoyable and rewarding vehicle for my own development and self expression; third, I write twice a week for consistency and follow up. The focus of my life and work is to enable myself and others to be their best selves to have a greater impact on the world.
90% of life is showing up and following up. The intent is to follow up by the end of the week. Well, although, this week I have stretched the definition of the end of the week – I did get it done and met my objective.
The gift for me is acknowledging how far I have come in not beating myself up or unduly stressing myself when I don’t need to – keep it in perspective. It may seem like a small thing regarding this post, but this shows up in other areas. It’s about how we hold the space for ourselves in how we walk through the world – even if most of it is in our own head. Its’s about noticing the constant messages we send ourselves – doing great or more to do; having fun or need to push ourselves to do that burdensome chore. If we can exercise the positive muscle for small things, it gives us the confidence and muscle to do it when the stakes are higher.
Sometimes, amidst the busyness of life, you have to breakfast for dinner – even if it’s just for fun!
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Enjoy.
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